Whistleblowing Policy

A whistleblowing system allows people (whistleblowers) to report, with confidentiality guaranteed, breaches of the law occurring in a work-related context.

In Italy, whistleblowing matters are governed by Italian Legislative Decree n. 24 dated 10 March 2023, by the guidelines issued by ANAC (the Italian national anticorruption authority), and by the operating guide prepared by Confindustria trade association.

In the private sector, the whistleblowing provisions apply to companies that have employed, in the last year, an average of 50 employees workers, those that have adopted an organisation, management and control model, and those that deal with services, products, financial markets, prevention of money laundering, prevention of terrorist financing, transport safety, and environmental protection.

With the intention of acting in absolute compliance with applicable laws and regulations, ICF & Welko encourages all its stakeholders to promptly report any conduct, whether committed/omitted, which qualifies or could qualify as a breach of the law.

On this basis, ICF & Welko has adopted an IT platform for receiving and managing reports, which can be found at:

Report event

and is designed to guarantee confidentiality of reporting persons, reports, and related documentation using End-to-End (E2E) encryption.

This platform, which has been developed in compliance with the provisions of Italian Legislative Decree n. 24 dated 10 March 2023, EU Regulation 2016/679, and Italian Legislative Decree n. 196 dated 30 June 2003, will allow the reporting person to formalise their report in writing, via voice messaging system, or at a direct meeting with the party tasked with managing the reports, as specified in the organisational document (to establish the system) dated 14 December 2023 approved by the governing body, and will allow the latter to duly fulfil all the legal obligations, providing timely feedback regarding the report made.

Please note that, in the event that the party tasked with managing the reports, as specified in the organisational document dated 14 December 2023 approved by the governing body, is either the reporting person or the reported person, the report may be addressed by recorded delivery letter with advice of receipt, addressed to the human resources department of ICF & Welko S.p.A., at via Sicilia n. 10, 41053, Maranello.

Furthermore, it must be remembered that any reporting person acting in good faith is entitled by law to confidentiality, to protection against retaliation, and to significant limitations concerning the liability thereof. Finally, it must also be highlighted that, by law, the reporting person has the right to formalise the report by addressing it directly to ANAC and that this right can be exercised if the party tasked with managing the report, as specified with the organisational document approved on 14 December 2023 approved by the governing body, has not followed up the report with due diligence, or if there are well-founded reasons to believe that the report will not be followed up with due diligence or could lead to retaliation.

For more information click here

Whistleblowing – Organisational document

Information on the processing of personal data with reference to reports made under the whistleblowing mechanism

Click here